Approximately 90% of our students in the South Slave are of Indigenous heritage, and to honour and celebrate this, Indigenous language programming has been a prominent force in each of our schools. We offer second language classes in Cree, Slavey and Chıpewyan; and our Indigenous language fluency rates have risen by 20% in the past two years. These languages, once unspoken, can once again be heard in the community and on the playground.
For our most recent Indigenous Language initiatives, including the Shopping in Two Worlds program, our First Nations Storybook apps (Application Privacy Policy), and our Chıpewyan Scramble board game, please visit News.
Over the years, SSDEC has published over 300 books in Slavey, Chıpewyan, Cree and other Indigenous languages. Click on the image below to view our most recent product catalogue. To acquire a copy of a resource, please contact the Public Affairs Coordinator, at publishing@ssdec.org
The hardcover dictionaries come with an interactive PDF version that links to sound files for each word. A non-interactive version of the PDF dictionary is linked to each image below.

Spirit (2016)
Richard Van Camp/Emily Brown
A story that focuses on the importance of relationships and how a loving, caring family can support positive mental health.
Three Feathers (2015)
Richard Van Camp/Krystal Mateus/Menton3
Story of three young men learning traditional culture, skills and healing after they cause harm to an elder to their community.
Little You (2013)
Richard Van Camp/Julie Flett
Poetic board book for babies and toddlers that celebrates every child and the joy babies bring into the world.
When I Was Little (2017)
Clara Lafferty/Chief Sunrise Education Centre
Elder’s story about her childhood on the land.
Fish for You & Fish for Me! (2017)
Emily Jarvis/Krystal Mateus
Rhythmic story describıng the interaction between a child and her grandma as they catch and prepare fish for a family meal.

My First Hunt (2017)
Jake Basil/John Rombough
A story about a boy’s first on the land school hunting trip in the small community of Lutsel K’e, NT.

Dreamcatcher and the Seven Deceivers (2013)
David Bouchard/Kristy Cameron
A carefully woven tale of how and why Creator sent Trickster to Turtle Island with a gift that would help us see the light and resist temptation.

Seven Sacred Teachings (2009)
David Bouchard/Dr. Joseph Martin/Kristy Cameron
The Seven Sacred Teachings is a message of traditional values & hope for the future.
For a list of resources available from publishers across the NWT in Bush Cree, South Slavey, Chıpewyan, North Slavey, Gwich'in, or Dogrib, please click on the below bibliographies. Note that only titles published by the SSDEC are available to purchase through us.
"Strong" by FEENIX (Shawn Bernard)
and featuring many of the talented students from Fort Smith, Hay River, and Fort Resolution
This music video was created by the SSDEC to support the teaching of two important cultural concepts: the need to be “strong like two people” and the need to discover, nurture, and share your talents.
The song was written by award-winning Cree hip hop artist FEENIX (Shawn Bernard). The music video won a Canadian Aboriginal Music Award for Best Hip Hop/Rap Music Video in the Producer category in 2010.